Be Sure to Plan for the “Pet Issue" When you go to Market.
If you have pets, you probably adore them. They're part of the family! But
when you're preparing your home for sale, you need to think about how
you're going to deal with the "pet issue".
Some potential buyers who view your property may love pets as much as
you do. However, others may be turned off by the tell-tale signs of pet
ownership – such as kitty litter, dander, and smells.
So be sure to make a plan for how you’re going to deal with your pets.
It's a good idea to keep pets out of the house during viewings. Even if your
dog or cat is friendly, some buyers will be uncomfortable around them. So,
you'll need to decide where your pets will go when buyers view your
property. Consider a local kennel or "pet day camp".
"Can't I just take my dog out for a walk?" you might be asking. You could,;
however, you may not always be available to do that during a viewing. So
have alternate plans available.
You should also consider how you will deal with pet dander and everyday
pet odours. You're probably used to them. Unfortunately, some buyers will
be turned off or even be allergic. So, in addition to cleaning your home
before a viewing -- especially in those areas where pets spend time like a
favourite cushion or scratching post – consider using specialty air sprays
available on the market that will neutralize pet odours.
Finally, it's a good idea to advise buyers that they're viewing a home with
pets. That way, they'll be more forgiving if they catch a whiff of cat dander.
Need more tips on preparing your home for sale? Call me today.
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